How to Register
This is a short version of the TIDE registration form and is only intended for
adults interested in joining the upcoming Adult League. Please, provide all the information
requested in the form.
Click the "Confirm Form Entries" button to load the next page and view your form entries. If any
required fields have not been completed you must do so before completing the registration process.
If the entries are correct, click on the "CONFIRM" button to complete your registration.
The next page which loads gives you payment information and provides a link to PayPal where you can pay
online. You can do so later using the Payment Page as well, or by sending
a cheque in the mail to the address provided.
NOTE: League registration is done on a first-come-first-served basis. If the event is full
and you register, you will be placed on a waiting list. In this case, please do not submit payment until
you have been contacted.